How to remove sap from car

How To Remove Tree Sap From Car Without Damaging Paint

How to remove sap from car body is important when your beloved vehicle is stained. You need to know that stains from tree sap are very difficult to remove from car paint. Especially if you leave it for too long.

The acid and strong adhesive from tree sap can penetrate your car’s varnish layer. For this reason, it is important to clean properly and correctly. In this article we will discuss several steps to remove these tree sap stains.

What is Tree Sap

Tree sap is a liquid like glue that has a thick texture and can harden. This fluid comes out of the stems, skin and peeling leaves. Sap can be the tree’s body’s defense system. It indicates a healthy tree, but usually appears dead due to injuries caused by animals and branches broken by the wind.

Generally, sap is divided into two types, namely, xylem sap and phloem sap. Not from different trees, but these types of sap have their respective functions in the tree. Xylem sap functions to transport water from the soil through the roots. Meanwhile, phloem sap functions to transport nutrients from photosynthesis.

The type of xylem sap which consists of water can be cleaned more easily if it comes into contact with the car body. Meanwhile, the type of phloem sap which consists of sugar and usually clumps is more difficult to clean if it comes into contact with the car body.

The Impact of Tree Sap on Car Paint

Tree sap that falls on the surface of car paint, car windows, and plastic parts on cars is a big problem. Because, this sap fluid is difficult for you to remove using normal methods. The obvious impact is that traces of sap and liquid can enter the pores of the car paint.

Handling can vary, if it is serious you have to repaint it. For this reason, if you see stains or spots from tree sap on your car, immediately clean and remove them from the surface of the car body.

The best you can do with a few steps. This is a thorough cleaning to separate tree sap and other dirt. If you have cleaned it, you will see dark yellow spots which indicate tree sap stains.

How To Remove Tree Sap From Car Without Damaging Paint

In some cases tree sap can be cleaned with some special steps. We as automotive practitioners have tested several of the best steps for you to take if this happens. Here’s how:

1. Do a Car Wash

This aims to clean dust and oil on the surface of the car. The aim is to differentiate between sap and non-sap impurities. Once you notice that the sap stain isn’t coming off with washing, immediately flag it to follow up.

2. Mark the Tree Sap Stains

Mapping and marking tree sap stains aims to isolate areas that are not affected by these stains. Because we will focus on cleaning stains and the cleaning fluid doesn’t go anywhere.

3. Soak With Liquid Soap

Prepare liquid soap and apply it to the sap that sticks to the surface of the car paint. Leave it for a few moments then scrub using a soft brush such as an old toothbrush or a special brush. Rinse using water while you rub gently.

4. Prepare Alcohol or Hand Sanitizer

Dampen cotton wool or tissue in alcohol, rub it on the surface of the car paint that is stained with tree sap. Apply slight pressure when rubbing to remove the sap from the car body. Repeat this step until the sap is completely gone.

5. Provide Compound Material or Wax

If the sap doesn’t disappear, you can do the final method, namely soaking the sap with car compound or car wax, then prepare fine sandpaper grit 2000 – 2500. Sand it slowly using water and the compound you applied earlier. If the sap has started to lift, immediately remove the marks with a polishing machine and coat with nano coating.

Tips to Avoid Tree Sap on Car Body

Car maintenance is not difficult, what is difficult is your consistency in maintaining it. Preventive measures can be the best step. Here are tips to avoid tree sap falling on your car.

1. Don’t Park Under Trees

This step is the best form of prevention. Because it’s not just sap that will fall, animal waste and even tree branches could hit the car body. As much as possible, stop or park in a safe place away from large trees.

2. Install The Car Cover

This option can protect your car in an emergency if you have to park under a tree. Provide protection with a waterproof car cover. This aims to prevent the sap which is still a liquid from seeping into the car body.

3. Use Paint Protection

Using paint protection such as nano ceramic coating can help protect the original paint on the car. This nano coating layer has a smooth and slippery surface, making it easier to remove rubber dirt. If the paint protection is in the form of PPF, it is more difficult to remove sap stains.


That’s what we can tell you about How to remove tree sap from car or vehicle without damaging paint. We are car paint practitioners who recommend that you carry out routine and consistent maintenance.

Because maintaining a car is a profitable activity, the resale price is stable, the appearance remains attractive and the service life is longer. If you have more savings, you can add protection to your car’s paint to make it last longer.

Also Read: What is Car Paint: Types, Varieties, and Maintenance

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